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Tried And True Tips For Credit Repair

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Posted on: 03/17/23

There is no credit fairy that might come visit you one night and whisper magical spells into your ear on how to fix your score. However, this article has advice you can employ for simple steps towards a better rating. Read on for some tips and tricks that might just be the miracles you were hoping for.

Keep all of your credit card accounts open, provided there are no fees to do so, in order to keep your credit score up. Closing a credit card account may hurt you in the end, so if your credit score is fragile and you need to build it up, keep your accounts open, particularly if they have a balance currently.

When it comes time to rebuild your credit, the first thing to do is make a plan. Your plan should contain how you plan on rebuilding credit and how you plan on using your credit in the future. Without a plan of attack concerning your credit, you run the risk of getting into financial trouble again.

What is hurting your credit score? When you are repairing your credit, take a look at your credit report and figure out what is damaging your credit. Is it late payments, maxed out credit cards, collection accounts? Work on getting these things taken care of make sure you do not repeat these mistakes again.

An important tip to consider when working to repair your credit is to ideally keep your credit card utilization no more than 25 percent of the total credit limit. This is important because your credit card utilization is directly responsible for your credit rating. If your balance is high, aim to bring it down to no more than 70 percent.

If you need to repair your credit, consider speaking with a credit repair counselor. Many credit repair counselors can help you have even the largest debts paid off in just a few years. A counselor will know better than you what steps to take and what channels to follow in consolidating your debt and building new credit.

If you are trying to repair your credit after being forced into a bankruptcy, be sure all of your debt from the bankruptcy is properly marked on your credit report. While having a debt dissolved because of bankruptcy is hard on your score, you do want creditors to know that those items are no longer in your current debt pool.

When working to repair your credit, its important to consider the different ranges that different reporting agencies use. This is important to know, so that you know the meaning of your own score. The main scores used are FICO: 300 - 850, Experian: 330 - 830, Equifax: 300 - 850, and TransUnion: 300 - 850.

An important tip to consider when working to repair your credit is the importance this holds in your life. This is important because not only is your credit important to potential creditors, but also with potential employers. Depending on the job, your credit may have a very important role in whether or not you are considered.


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You dont need a credit fairy to do magic when you use common sense and the wisdom in this article towards cleaning up your credit score. Society rewards those that play smart with a little effort, and when you keep these ideas in mind in your money matters, you can be sure to notice unexpected victories in your near future.

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