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Mind Games And Memory Loss, Why They Work

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Posted on: 09/30/22

Brain surgeons have discovered that we retain a memory of every sensory impression received in our lives. But as we age, we may have increasing difficulty in bringing these memories to the surface when we need them. We know the information is stored in our brain. Here are some tips to help tap into this reservoir.

Avoid cramming all your material into one short study session. Studies show that information is better retained, if you take some time to learn it. You can do this by scheduling short study sessions in the days and weeks, prior to an exam. Cramming everything into one sitting will only prove to be counter productive.

If you have noticed that your memory isnt what it used to be, maybe you arent getting enough sleep. You need to be sleeping seven to eight hours each night in order to improve your memory. During your sleep cycle, your brain processes all new information to create these memories for you so you have them to recall later.

Try teaching the subject youre trying to learn to another person. Research suggests that by teaching something to another person, youll have a much better chance of remembering what youre teaching. So the next time youre struggling to remember a new concept, try teaching it to a sibling or friend.

Memory is basically the acquisition of new information, and when you have problems concentrating, it becomes vastly more difficult to acquire new information. Most problems with concentration are linked to an Omega-3 deficiency. One effective way to counter this and thereby improve your memory is through the use of fish oils. Incorporating fish oil supplements in your diet can help your memory.

To improve your memory you need to have fun and laugh a lot. Your memory needs healthy fun besides training. Struggling for 6 hours with the latest Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle might seem to enhance memory functions, but in most cases socializing with friends, going to the movies or enjoying a play at the local theatre helps much more.

Eating dark chocolate can improve your brain functions. Moderate intake of dark chocolate will not cause your clothing size to change, but it creates a health benefit by forcing your brain to release dopamine which is said to be responsible for improved brain functionality and memory capacity. Moderation is the key like with any other food.


Exercise your brain. Using your memory and other thought provoking functions of your brain daily, will help keep your mind and your memory sharp. Do puzzles, drive a different way to work and memorize something every day. You will see an improvement quickly and less of a decline as time moves on.

The health of your body has a direct impact on the health of your memory. The brain is an organ just like your heart or lungs. Activities that improve your physical well being will ensure that it functions at the highest level possible. Take care of yourself, rest, eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Exercise can have a tremendously beneficial impact on your memory. Exercise improves memory by improving blood flow and maintaining brain health. Because memory is a brain activity, maintaining a healthy body, and in turn a healthy brain, will help you maintain your memory. Exercising is also a good way to avoid getting certain conditions that affect your memory, such as diabetes.

We hope these tips will be helpful to you when you go fishing for information in that great reservoir of memory. These are tips others have been able to put to use effectively. You may come up with some of your own. Heres to a long life and a vivid memory!

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